Golfo Suplemento Latino, S.A. de C.V.

Privacy Statement for Customers and Suppliers

Based on the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data (the Law), its Regulation (the Regulation) and the Guidelines of the Privacy Statement (the Guidelines), the following is made known to you:

1.- Name and address of the person in charge: Golfo Suplemento Latino, S.A. de C.V. (this moment on GSL), with address at Varsovia #36, piso 4, oficina 408, colonia Juárez, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, C.P.06600, México City, will treat your personal information directly or through a manager in accordance with the law.

2.- Personal Data that will be submitted to treatment: The personal data to which we could give treatment are the following:

  • 1. General information:
    • 1.1. Full name.
    • 1.2. Federal Taxpayers Registry (R.F.C.) and copy.
    • 1.3. ID with photograph and copy.
  • 2. Contact information:
    • 2.1. Tax address and copy of address voucher.
    • 2.2. Telephone.
    • 2.3. Cell phone.
    • 2.4. Email address.
  • 3. Financial information:
    • 3.1. Bank account information and copy of financial data cover to make payments.
    • 3.2. Tax Compliance Opinion (SAT document).

3.- Purposes of the treatment: The personal data that we obtain from you, will be kept in the strictest confidentiality and will be safeguarded in an adequate way and can only be treated for the following purposes:

  • 3.1 Necessary Purposes for the Existence, Maintenance and Compliance of our Legal Relationship.
    • 3.1.1 Compliance, administration and execution of our commercial legal relationship.
    • 3.1.2 Compliance and enforcement of legal obligations.
  • 3.2 Purposes not Necessary for the Existence, Maintenance and Compliance of our Legal Relationship.
    • 3.2.1 Marketing, advertising or commercial prospecting purposes, including physical, telephone or email contact, for promotional visits, follow-up, invitations and/or delivery or delivery of advertising and/or promotional material.
      Through written communication, at any time, delivered to our address or sent by electronic means to the address that appears in this Privacy Statement, you may let us know your refusal to process your personal data for the purposes mentioned in this section 3.2

4. Transfer of Personal Data: Your personal data may be sent to service providers that help us to fulfill the purposes mentioned in sections 3.1 and 3.2 of this Privacy Statement.

Your personal data can not be transferred without your consent, which you can revoke at any time, by written communication delivered at our address or sent by email to the address that appears in this same Statement.

5. Means to exercise your ARCO rights or to revoke your consent: You have the right to Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition to the processing of your personal data and to revoke your consent for its treatment, in the terms established in the Law, in the Regulation and in the Guidelines.

The exercise of these rights is subject to the following procedure:

  • 5.1 The request must be in writing and signed, delivered to our address or sent to our email address. You must always obtain acknowledgment of receipt.
  • 5.2 In case of acting through a representative, you must attach a certified copy of the corresponding power of attorney granted in the terms provided by the Federal Civil Code to your request.
  • 5.3 The application must include a copy of identification with photograph and signature, as well as any documentation to which it refers or which relates to your application and address to hear and receive notifications (physical and, where appropriate, electronic).
  • 5.4 Your application will be evaluated, processed and answered within the time limits established in the Law and the Regulations, which you may consult with the competent authority.

6. Options and means to limit the use of disclosure of personal data: In addition to the exercise of their ARCO rights, the revocation of consent for the treatment of their rights, the owner may limit the use and disclosure of their personal data, by registering in the Public Registry of Consumers foreseen in the Federal Law of Protection to the Consumer.

7. Changes to this Privacy Statement.

Any change or update to this Privacy Statement will be in writing and will be made public. In case that by virtue of any modification or update, your express consent is required, we will contact you directly.